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Business of the Arts



Dr. Claytor holds certificates from the IRS in non profit organization:


An Introduction to Tax-Exempt Status




Employment Taxes for Exempt Organizations



   Business of the Arts 










         Career Bug

The learner will create a vision and mission statement of a real or projected organization or company. The value statement will evolve from the decisions the learner plans to take to accomplish the mission and achieve the vision. Learners will study a variety of legal formats comparing and contrasting them in order to determine which form will be best to accomplish their vision. A business plan is developed considering the organization or company's legal structure, mission, and vision without compromising values. An implementation plan will be developed based on research to accomplish the project in the learner's chosen field and geographic region.

The arts and humanities as an academic area of study was a career choice for learners enrolling in this webinar online course. The learners self-assess their skills and analyze what career path they are qualified to explore. The learner researches what can be accomplished in an arts or humanities career. The learner considers alternative career paths their training, and experience has prepared them to move into. New career paths are considered by the learner, researching required education, training, or experience. The final project will be a career flexibility chart depicting various paths and how to achieve them.





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